Fish have a fascinating life cycle that involves several stages. Let’s explore these stages:
Egg Stage: It all begins when a fish lays eggs. These eggs are tiny and often stick together in groups called “clutches.” The eggs are usually laid in a safe spot, like underwater plants or rocks. The eggs are protected by a jelly-like substance.
Embryo Stage: Inside each egg, a tiny fish called an embryo starts to develop. The embryo gets oxygen from the water through a thin membrane that surrounds the egg.
Larva Stage: When the embryo grows big enough, it hatches from the egg as a larva. Larvae are very small and look different from adult fish. They might have a big yolk sac attached to their bellies, which provides them with food.
Fry Stage: As the larva grows, it becomes a fry. Fries look more like adult fish, but they are still quite small and might not be able to swim very well yet. They continue to feed on their yolk sac or tiny organisms in the water.
Juvenile Stage: The fry gradually becomes a juvenile fish. At this stage, they have developed scales and can swim better. They start to hunt for food on their own, eating small insects, plankton, or other small creatures.
Adult Stage: After some time, the juvenile fish grow into adult fish. They are now fully developed and can reproduce, continuing the cycle by laying their own eggs. Adult fish come in various sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species.
Throughout their life cycle, fish go through different stages, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. They adapt to their environment and use various survival strategies to thrive in the water. Remember, fish have an amazing journey from being tiny eggs to becoming mature adults, and each stage plays a crucial role in their overall life cycle.